How is artificial grass damaged?

Although artificial grass is far superior to natural grass, it can still get damaged. In this article we go into how artificial grass can be damaged, and the best way to avoid it.

The main cause of damage to artificial grass is burning, caused by window light magnification

Artificial grass can become very warm when in direct sunlight on high-temperature days, however damage cannot be caused by ever the hottest direct sunlight.

What will cause possible damage is the strong reflections and sun magnification caused by windows and sliding glass doors. While any double-pane window has the potential to cause a magnifying effect, the main culprits are energy-efficient windows and doors made from low emissivity glass (often referred to as low-E glass).


The easiest way to avoid having your synthetic grass burned by window magnification is to find simple solutions that allow you to block potential window glare. If the windows threatening your artificial grass are on your home, you can install awnings, shutters, screens, or shades to minimize reflections.

If the potentially harmful windows are on a neighbour’s home, consider planting trees or bushes along your fence-line to protect your grass.

If your artificial grass becomes burnt or melted from window magnification, the damaged area can be removed and replaced. However, if you do not take steps to keep this from happening again, you may find yourself regularly replacing that patch of artificial grass.

The second most common way artificial grass is damaged is through accidental stains and burns

Certain spills, such as battery acid, grease, lubricants, motor oil and similar substances can discolour or damage synthetic turf. Accidental burns can occur from cigarettes, smouldering charcoal spilling from a barbeque, fireworks or sparks from fire pits. 


Luckily, avoiding stains from damaging spills is quite easy – we recommend repairing your garden tools away from your artificial lawn so that no grease or lubricants can accidentally leak onto the synthetic turf. Some spills and stains can be cleaned if you respond quickly to the situation.

To avoid damage arising from burns, we recommend to move smoking, lighting fire works and grilling to areas that are a safe distance from your artificial lawn. 

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